Top 10 posts of 2011

AL | 3:36 PM |

From celebrity deaths to downright strange politics, 2011 had a bit of everything and we didn't hesitate to cover what we thought was important in as unfair and unbalanced a manner as we could. Here are some of the best posts of 2011. CLICK ON THE TITLE TO READ THE ARTICLE....

Bubbling Under....

13.The Perfect Way to Apologize to Any Woman: The Formal Apology
This is  for the hoards of men out there that screw up, that are screwing up and that will screw up with the unfairer sex. This apology should work in MOST situations.....use it, don't abuse it.

12. Horrendous Mistake: South African Soccer Team Celebrates NOT Qualifying for the 2012 Africa Cup (Video)!

A whole nation celebrates their team qualifying for the biggest competition on the continent....but little did they know. A truly HORRENDOUS MISTAKE but they sure do know how to celebrate!!

11.Texting Woman Falls in Fountain and files a lawsuit: Why she should Win!
Look before you text or THIS can happen. The woman that took a dip in the fountain does NOT find this funny. Do you? 

And Now.....THE TOP 10 ARTICLES OF 2011.

10. Facebook Idiots Vol II: The Great Wall of Michigan!? (Pic)
Just to show that stupidity truly has no bounds, especially where geography is concerned. Read about this shocking lack of general knowledge.

Also see: 
Facebook Idiots Vol V: The Great Pyramids of Stonehenge??
Facebook Idiots Vol I: Dumbass and her School Project.
Facebook Idiots Vol III: Michael Jordan Dies Twice!

9. Governor Rick Perry Welcomes you to "Niggerhead" Hunting Camp: "Nigger-Head-Gate"

Talk about the Republican Party offering a bunch of comedians as Presidential candidates. This is just one of many gaffes in this eventful Presidential run in.

8. 4 Ways to Spot a Real Lesbian...
Just in case you were sitting there staring down a woman and trying to identify the tell-tell signs of lesbianism, here's a guide from a pro: Spot that lesbian quickly and early.

7. Top 10 People that Epically fainted on Live TV!

 Ten people that bit the dust on National TV. Have you seen any of these epic moments?

6. Top 50 excuses to give if you are caught Sleeping at Work (Part 2)!
An ALMIGHTY list of excuses you can give for being caught sleeping at work. Have you ever used any of these?

5. Animals are Officially worth more than People!

This picture depicts a reality that exists in some parts of the world; that people care more for their fellow hound than their fellow man.

4. Criminal Penguin And His Genius Ponzi Scheme (Video)!

Just in case you think cheating and thieving are unique to Mark Zuckerburg and the human species, here's a penguin that can keep up with the best of them.... 

3. Cat Barks Like a Dog then Meows When Caught!
You never know what these animals get up to when we are not looking. Here is an example of how bizarre it can get.

2. Chinese Bride Li-Wan Jumps Out of a Window After Wedding Day Rejection (video)!

The crazy thing one bride did when she got stood up at her own wedding.......a SHOCKING reaction if ever there was one! Talk about having a sh@tty day!!!

1. Jammin Dog LOVES the Guitar (video)!

A Golden Labrador that simply loves to jam to the sound of the guitar. Find out how he responds when beats stop pumping.

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