How to survive a Virtual Reality: Extra Marital affairs

AL | 1:33 AM |

Well at least you're still alive

By Sparklingjem.

Scientists believe there is a 1/5 chance we are living in a virtual reality created and controlled by our descendants. Most likely a greasy haired teenager who does nothing all day except play a very advanced version of Sims. For the purposes of this article let’s call him Bob. In case this is all true, you will need to be as entertaining as possible to ensure your survival lest you be "Ctrl Alt Deleted" permanently.

Extra marital affairs are entertaining because they give you the opportunity to use dramatic tension. Dramatic tension means simply that the controller and all the people watching (Bob, all his adolescent loser friends, possibly his mother and most likely his sexbot girlfriend) are aware of something that the character/s are not.

For instance, if you are having a secret affair there is dramatic irony because Bob knows about it but your wife does not. When she finds out and hires a Private Investigator to give her proof, there is still plenty of dramatic irony because now YOU are in the dark; until she cuts up all your favorite underwear, puts a pick ax through the engine of your Audi and fire bombs your office.

I guess she got my note about only wanting the car.

No matter how it plays out, there is always tension and intrigue, double lives, sex, lies and heartbreak. This is exactly what you need in order to keep Bob entertained and escape the fate of the "Ctrl Alt Delete" guillotine.
