How to win arguments with women (Tip 5): Play Possum

AL | 6:43 PM |

Playing Dead They’ll say anything!
By Africanlegend.
Many animals have developed defensive mechanisms to protect themselves against predators. One of the more interesting methods is tonic immobility; inducing a natural state of paralysis so as to appear dead or mortally disabled to a would be predator. Several animals including: sharks, beetles, snakes and the Virginia Possum are capable of appearing dead to an observer, while otherwise alive. The ability to mimic the appearance of a sick or dead animal is commonly refereed to as "Playing Possom." Playing dead is remarkably effective. In fact, to survive a Grizzly Bear attack experts recommend the following:

1. Carry bear pepper spray?.
2. Don’t run. 
3. Drop to the ground in the fetal position and cover the back of your neck with your hands. 
4. Play dead. Grizzlies will stop attacking when they feel there’s no longer a threat. If they think you’re dead, they won’t think you’re threatening. Once the bear is done tossing you around and leaves, continue to play dead. Grizzlies are known for waiting around to see if their victim will get back up.

If it can work on a 1500 pound Grizzly Bear, it should work on a woman; I think.  Maybe on occasion, I'd take my chances with a bear, but let's assume the two to be at least equally lethal. The truth is, it takes two people to have an argument. If one person is inactive, then it becomes difficult to sustain the argument. As a guy, if you know that you are on the brink of a huge fight with a woman, head to a couch, a bed or any convenient area and fall asleep or at least pretend to. She might attack you by screaming or even crying. Don't move, you have to convince her that you are sound asleep and cannot be disturbed. You can let out a few incoherent grunts to add authenticity to your act, but avoid forming complete words or sentences. She may resort to deep, hurtful insults that you historically react badly to just to test your fortitude and agitate a reaction. Remain committed and concentrate hard, if you react, the gig is over and she will have the upper hand in the fight. Make sure you stay asleep and inactive for a while after she gives up on you because Girls are known for waiting around to see if their victim will get back up again.

playingpossum Good Luck!!
