Stupid People That Need To Go: The "I Hate Black People" Black Dude (The Self-loathing Black Racist!)

AL | 6:48 PM |

Uncle Ruckus Picture, Racist old Man Boondocks
Uncle Ruckus, No relation, the self-loathing black man!
A 17 year old boy Trayvon Martin was harassed and ultimately shot dead by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. Being black and walking down the street was the suspicious activity that lead to the incident. (The LATEST on Trayvon Martin)
Trayvon Martin, 17 year old, gunned down by George Zimmerman picture
Trayvon Martin, The 17 year old youth gunned down by Nightwatchman George Zimmerman.
A media circus resulted, and amidst the chaos some idiot on "Fox and Friends" named Geraldo Rivera suggested that Trayvon Martin's apparel, namely a hoodie (hooded sweatshirt) contributed to his demise. Geraldo Rivera suggested that such clothing was akin to the gang-banging, rapping, pistol poppin demographic. He dared utter this even though hoodies are ubiquitously worn by white, college kids harmlessly pledging their support for their schools and less specifically by people that feel cold.

College Kids wearing Hoodies
2 gang-banging, bitch-slapping, pistol whipping, drug pushing hoodlums, wearing hoodies as per gang regulations!
The Hoodie = Gang-banger argument was widely denounced as idiocy except by one malcontent black person who opted to leave his 2-cents in the comments section of an article:

"Like many of my white friends, there is a specific group of black people I hate, truly despise. On the whole I think they are lazier, do not have the same value for rules or societies acceptable behaviors. They are louder and more obnoxious than others. 

They do not consider other people before they act, and think it’s better to hustle or steal than work hard. And yes I think they are more likely to be criminals than other people and violence to them is viewed as acceptable. Most white people wont say they hate this group of black people for fear of being labeled a racist, but here’s the thing. 

We don’t hate them BECAUSE they are black, it just turns out that this particular group of people happen to be black. If they were white we would hate them every bit as much. Every other black person we see outside of this group we view as equals and love them as much as anyone else who is white, so how can we be racist?"

Why this person needs to go:
Firstly, they spread ignorance and help misguided people validate their misinformed perception of reality. The aforementioned attributes, namely: laziness, hustling, stealing and an affinity for petty crime, are not attributes that should be exclusively assigned to any one race. That is what we call being racist.

There are plenty of lazy, gang-banger, thieving conniving whites, Asians, Indians, Latinos and any other racial group I have omitted. Nobody truly likes them but most don't like them as a function of their behavior without necessarily connecting that behavior to their race.

Secondly, these stupid people are black and they shouldn't forget that fact. If they are really that aggrieved by black peoples' behavior they should lead by example and channel that energy into being a more positive influence in their cultural circles. They should be part of the vehicle for change. This is more productive and healthier than wearing Cosby Sweaters, hanging around with racist white kids and comparing notes about how much they all hate certain types of black people.


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