Cheating Kenyan Man gets Stuck inside Woman during Sex, Black Magic blamed (video)

AL | 9:11 AM |

Cheating Kenyan Man gets Stuck Woman during Sex, Black Magic blamed (video)
Cheating Kenyan man, visibly stuck inside another man's Wife.
This story gets the only in the motherland, Africa, logostamp...

A Kenyan man paid the price for his infidelity as spectators and authorities alike converged on his house to witness him caught in love's embrace. Two figures lay intertwined in the unsavory act of adultery unable to disengage. Flowery language aside, what I precisely mean to convey is that according to reports, a Kenyan man placed his penis in a woman's vagina, was unable to remove it and there he and his penis lay for all to see.

But how did this happen???

Apparently the woman's husband, suspecting his wife of cheating on him, visited a witchdoctor who applied black magic (witchcraft) on the wife, causing the cheating man to get stuck inside her during sex.
For hours, the police tried but could not free the cheating man from his black magic curse.

A big crowd swelled outside to witness the drama, as police quickly ran out of options on how to help the couple and cast away the beast with two backs. The cheating man finally agreed to pay the woman's husband Sh20,000 (the going rate for a Vaginal Locksmith?) at which point a local pastor was called who prayed the curse away. Both cheater and wife walked away from the incident with freshly separated and relieved genitalia.

There is Video of the incident. At the end of the video the cheating man was seen heading out to withdraw the money from an ATM.

VIDEO (NSFW ~ kinda): Man Stuck Inside Another Man's Wife Due To Black Magic (VIDEO INCLUDED)

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