KKK Try to Adopted Highway in Georgia, Black People Incensed!

AL | 4:39 PM |

Highway adopted by KK,Interstate 55 south of St. Louis, Missouri
Interstate 55 south of St. Louis, Missouri, Adopted by the KKK in 2000.
The Ku Klux Klan hates blacks, Jews and just about anybody that isn't white ~ white power. However the KKK and and it's affiliates often do take time out to give back to the community. Since burning crosses and intimidation are not options the group has opted to keep the states highways tidy.

International Keystone Knights of the KKK in Union County, a group affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan, reportedly is making an attempt to "adopt" a mile-long stretch of highway in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Transportation is currently reviewing the May 21 request to clean up part of Route 515 in the Appalachian Mountains in Blairsville, Georgia.

International Keystone Knights KKK. adopt highway in Georgia
International Keystone Knights of the KKK, being douchbags somewhere.
"We just want to clean up the doggone road," Harley Hanson, who filed the application, told the paper. "We're not going to be out there in robes."

"We are good, decent Christian Americans," Hanson, the group's "exalted cyclops," added. "What we're trying to do is to work with the local community."

Naturally black people disprove of this adoption attempt and have made that clear through Rep. Tyrone Brooks, head of the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials who has called on state officials to reject the application.

"This is about membership building and re-branding their name in a public way," Brooks said. "What's next, are we going to let Neo-Nazis or the Taliban or Al-Qaida adopt highways?"

In 2000, the KKK successfully adopted part of Interstate 55 south of St. Louis after a federal judge ruled that the Missouri Department of Transportation could not keep the group out of the cleanup program.

Since there is legal precedent on this particular matter, Georgia residents can probably expect to see one of their highways maintained by the KKK. Freedom means that we will occasionally have to stomach the opinions and views of douchbags. Provided nobody get lynched, tarred or feathered in that area then I really have no grounds for believing their application should be denied except for the fact that I don't despise them and hate what they have to say.

Look on the bright side they will probably do a good job as I have never seen an organization that can keep their whites looking so white  (no pun intended).
