Moderate Drinking While Pregnant May Not Be Harmful #saidno1ever! (video)

AL | 7:23 AM |

"In a series of five studies, Danish researchers statistically evaluated how different levels of drinking during pregnancy affected the five-year-old children of 1,628 women. They compared women who drank 0, 1 to 4, 5 to 8 and more than 9 drinks per week while they were pregnant and assessed their children's IQ, attention span and their capacity for what are known as executive functions, which include organization and planning.  

Children whose mothers reported having 1 to 4 or 5 to 8 drinks per week while pregnant did not perform any worse on tests measuring IQ and executive functions. Binge drinking, which meant having 5 or more drinks in one sitting, also did not have any significant negative effect on children five years later. Drinking more than nine drinks per week, however, was linked to five-year-olds' lower attention span (READ MORE). "
Drinking while preganant not harmful (picture)
Doesn't even really look right does it?!
I really wonder about these studies people are churning our these days, studies that defy the basic principals set forth by the book of common sense. The most common phenomenon or condition associated with alcohol abuse during pregnancy is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, symptoms may include:

- Poor growth while the baby is in the womb and after birth
- Decreased muscle tone and poor coordination
- Delayed development and problems in three or more major areas: thinking, speech, movement, or social skills
 - Heart defects such as ventricular septal defect (VSD) or atrial septal defect (ASD)

I'd like to know how you can use what is essentially and IQ test to determine the impact of Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and publish results from testing under very limited parameter(s) and claim to have an exhaustive, tell-all, explanation.

I think we have come to a point where research is deviating from the general principals of science. The principals that  a scientific experiment should be valid, accurate and exhaustive. I get the impression that scientists are beginning studies and with a set agenda, looking for patterns to support predetermined "results" and locate specific parameter, in this case IQ, which suit or prove their agenda.

There are now studies to contradict everything we know. Soy was great, now it's bad, a glass of orange juice was healthy but apparently now as is bad as drinking a glass of soda and you used to be able to eat as many fruits as you wanted to but now excessive fruit consumption can increase you risk of developing diabetes. Pshhhhhh........

Telling pregnant women drinking 9 drinks a week may not be as bad for your child as you think is irresponsible science given the body of work and common sense suggesting that it CAN be. Too many people are simply too ignorant/stupid to be given what may be used as an incentive to drink during pregnancy. Some won't even read the "Light to Moderate" part of this study.

I think the fact that it CAN put a child at risk is enough to just avoid it all together....I see no point in taking such a risk.
