Was JESUS Married? Ancient Papyrus Suggests he May have Been(PIC)!

AL | 11:38 AM |

Jesus Married, Ancient Old Papyrus, Ancient Script
Ancient papyrus script hint the Jesus may have been married.

Jesus married? 'The Gospel Of Jesus' Wife,' early Christian text suggests Jesus was married.

A newly revealed, centuries-old papyrus fragment suggests that some early Christians might have believed Jesus was married. The fragment, written in Coptic, a language used by Egyptian Christians, says in part,

"Jesus said to them, 'My wife ..." 

Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King announced the findings of the 1 1/2- in Rome at the International Association for Coptic Studies.

By Professor King's own admission, the translated script offers no direct evidence that Jesus was married only the mere suggestion. Even if the papyrus fragment suggest Jesus may have been married, there are no reports on what he may have thought of his supposed wife. Perhaps if it had been a bit more descriptive....

