Ecuador Officials Say Ass Cannot Hold Public Office!

AL | 5:47 AM |

Ecuador officials reject donkey as candidate

QUITO, Ecuador —  Ecuadorean officials in the city of Guayaquil have deemed a donkey ineligible to hold public office. This came as a disappoint to several citizens who supported the candidacy of the ass.

More than 40 people paraded Senor Burro through the city streets of Quito to the electoral council offices. Senor Burro dressed sharply, wearing a tie as is customary for high ranking politicians. City officials refused to entertain this gesture, leaving a disappointed ass at the door. Senor Burro's backers carried mock voter registration cards showing their candidate’s photo superimposed on a man wearing a business suit.

Donkey backer Daniel Molina told local television stations the goal was to call voters’ attention to the seriousness of the February election, not to insult any party. An ass running for public office is common in many western countries and it comes as a surprise to me that Ecuador will not follow suit. Perhaps some Bray it will happen.

