Massive Meteorite Explosion Injures Hundreds in Russia.

AL | 10:33 AM |

Meteorite Shower Russia Picture
A gigantic flare accompanied by a large explosion could be seen as a meteorite entered into the earth's atmosphere in the Urals region of Russia.
People in the Urals region in Russia saw burning objects raining down from the sky after a meteorite exploded above the Earth causing a violent meteor shower.

At around 9 o'clock in the morning a meteorite entered the earth's atmosphere over the Urals region of Russia and broke into several pieces.

The meteorite's entry into the earth's atmosphere caused a large explosion, a bright flare and debris that caused damage to over 300 buildings and injured hundreds of people that were unfortunate enough to be in its landing area.

Skyfall: Hundreds injured as meteorite wreaks havoc in Russia's Urals (video) 
