One Million Moms Accuse Geico Ad of Encouraging Bestiality?!

AL | 3:59 PM |

One Million Moms accuse Geico Ad of Encouraging Bestiality?!

Conservative Christian group One Million Moms' concluded that a Geico Ad featuring a woman and a talking pig (Maxwell) promotes illicit sexual behavior between humans and animals. "Maxwell" has featured in several Geico advertisements to date.

I have to say, I never for one moment took the advertisement to it's most grotesque possible conclusion. I think to conclude that the advertisement promotes sexual activity between humans and animals is perhaps indicative of an innate perversion that the average person simply cannot relate to.

One Million Moms was very recently vexed at Skittles for also allegedly 'promoting bestiality' I am now looking back and wonder what what the show Lassie was REALLY about.

I may be wrong (I'm not) but you can decide for yourself.......
