Lion Interrupts Couple Having Sex, Eats Girlfriend, Boyfriend Escapes Wearing Only Condom!

AL | 3:21 PM |

CHIVALRY IS DEAD, and so is a young lady whose boyfriend managed to flee leaving her subject to the dinner reservations of a hungry lion.

Kariba, Zimbabwe, Fisherman, Daniel Muzarabani and girlfriend Sharai Maware, better known as Mai Desire (stripper name I presume?), decided to meet in the bushes of Mahombekombe suburb in Kariba for a lustful, love making session. A lion made it a threesome and joined the fray but was unwilling to share.

Desire, was mauled to death by the lion but her quicker thinking, more agile boyfriend managed to escape the altercation butt-naked, wearing only a condom; protecting from STI's but certainly not from a lion attack.

Wildlife Officials rangers in Zimbabwe put the northern resort town of Kariba on full alert and are using trackers to bait and trap several man eating lions which have been credited with at least two fatal attacks this week. Unfortunately, the rangers have proven to be a greater danger to themselves than the lions with one ranger managing to shoot another in the foot and thigh in a trap intended to catch the lions. A trap perhaps too intricately planned but worth a shot.

