Papa John's Pizza Man Leaves Customer Horrifically Racist Voicemail (VIDEO/NSFW)!

AL | 9:34 AM |

Racist Papa John’s Pizza Racist Voicemail, N-word rant.On Sunday night a Papa John's customer in Sanford, Fla. checked his voicemail and heard a message from the driver who had just delivered his pizza.

Accidentally, the bus driver butt-dialed the customer (black), and unleashed a slew of slurs about the customer and his wife to an encouraging co-worker.

The driver burst in song with a fantastic rendition "The Marriage of Figaro," which he re-branded the  "The Marriage of Nigger-RO" along with a long diatribe of hard to discern nonsense. The Papa John's employee appeared to be having the time of his life and his co-worker shared his enthusiasm.

The customer posted a video of the voice mail online and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has since offered a "heartfelt apology" on Facebook. Obviously, the driver and his co-worker have been fired.

One thing is for certain, being no stranger to such outbursts from its customers, Papa John's should add the Nigger-rita XL Pizza to it's menu as a 'staff pick."

Video: Racist Papa John’s Pizza Man Butt Dials Customer With N-Word Rant (NSFW - contains racial slurs)
