The banning of married people from bars: The Susan Crown Laws I
By Africanlegend.
In Cambridge Massachusetts, lawmakers are trying to push through a bill that would prevent married men and women from attending the same bars as single citizens. The enacted laws would be named the "Susan Crown Laws". The bill is anticipated to be passed through Congress before this year's summer recess at the end of July. This provision would mandate the creation of bars specifically for married people. These laws would enforce "de jure segregation" in all bars, with "separate but equal" facilities provided for both parties.
Law makers are fashioning this current bill on the immensely successful Jim Crow Laws enacted between 1876 and 1965 in the US which provided separate but equal facilities for African American and White Americans alike. Lawmaker John O'Tool was quoted to have said, "it worked well! The US now has separate and for the most part equal schools, public places and public transportation. I mean I wouldn't personally send my child to an inner city school but that's mainly because I simply don't like black people."
There is a mixed response to the current bill. Isaac of Cambridge, MA was very excited at the possibility of this bill claiming that he felt married women contaminated his pool of options." I think it is false advertising! If they want to come to bars they should at least have a branding mark or carry a black book to let us know!" said an irate Isaac.
There are definitely a few who disagree (mostly married)." This is a basic violation of my rights as a person. Just because I am married does not mean I'm toxic! It's not like I don't have a huge shiny ring on my finger. If he can't tell I'm married, he needs to work on his game. He is the problem!" This coming from an equally irate but thoroughly married Cambridge resident, originally from Connecticut.
There is much controversy as to the outcome of this bill. Some say it will bring simplicity back to the bar scene while others feel it is a violation of married people's right to party as mentioned in the Constitution of the United States of America.....I will keep you informed on the progress of this controversial bill...
Category: Politics