Universal Scale of Ugliness: "Fair"
It is extremely important that you quickly come to terms with the average nature of your existence. A good phrase to describe you would be “six of one half a dozen of the other” or "Apples, Peas Carrots" or even simpler "eh". People will find it very difficult to decipher whether or not you are on the attractive side of the cut-off point or on the side that leads to the abyss of grotesquery. Truth be told if you try really hard it will likely push you in a positive direction. Be prepared to see people looking at you from different angles with different special effects in an attempt to ascertain your aggregate attractiveness. So do not be surprised if someone circles you with a flashlight flicking it on and off scanning you while simultaneously adjusting the light. You should determine your best angle via a loyal friend. Try to face people in social situations to give them that vantage point .i.e
Chance of being successful: 55%
Personality: Generally sunny disposition, pleasant.
Chance of Marriage: 75 %
Chance of divorce: 15 %
COMING SOON: The Universal Scale of Ugliness: "CHARISMATIC"!!!!!
Category: Funny, Lists, Relationships