Can't we give Obama a break???
NOOO!! It has only been six months and I heard some irate person say “I voted for Obama and he has done nothing..nothing!”. What did people expect would happen? That the heavens would open and he'd come down on a chariot of fire and take his loyal followers to Zion? Obama is a brilliant guy not a superhero? He has no x-ray vision, cannot fly, has no super strength. He can't even rap!! What he can do is make policies that take time to implement. Not to mention the opposition party would disagree with him even if he were to suggest that we all breathe oxygen. Give the man a chance! I believe Bush was playing golf and x-box 360 six months into his presidency. At some coffee shops, the employees are still in training after six months. The job of dealing with the nuclear armament of North Korea should not be held in equal measure to the process of making the perfect chocolate latte. I guess this is what happens when black guy gets the job. “Come on Negro you've had six months to warm up, now end the Middle East crisis!!!!!!” CAN'T WE JUST GIVE A BROTHER A BREAK???January 20, 2009, the USA elected its first black president. It had to be a small miracle for this to actually happen. People kept uttering the phrase, “the United States of America is not ready for a black president.” They behaved as if a black president would descend upon the masses bringing with him locusts, hail, incurable boils and a whole assortment of divine plagues. Some even thought that he would bring “Hip hop Tuesdays” and “Thirsty Thursdays” to the White House. In that case, I'd say yes the United States probably wasn't ready. However, Obama is actually a brilliant man. He is inspirational, eloquent, handsome, intelligent etc. He even had a white mother which provided him with the Caucasian stamp of approval. Obama's wonderful attributes and the fact that Bush decimated white people's confidence in their own ability to run a country caused a landslide victory. Obama was given his chance to make a difference right?
Category: Obama