End Boring First Dates FOREVER: Dating Reform Bill

AL | 10:51 AM |

Boring Dates Sperm Cartoon Stand out from the pack!!!!
By Africanlegend.
Current State of Affairs:
You call the lovely Portuguese girl you met at a Mixed Marshal Arts fight after a brawl broke out in the crowd and she punched you in the neck by mistake, ask her out to dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant, followed by a movie. You bring her a dozen roses and you are looking dashing in your brand new Ed Hardy Shirt with a fire breathing dragon on the pocket. You drive her home in your shiny, sleek automobile and give her a hug before you watch her disappear through her door into her house. She says she will call you and wants to meet again. You wait for days, weeks and soon months until your cell phone grows cob webs and you die of old age. What did you do wrong?

You were boring, unimaginative and you followed the dating advice in some Dr Phil book. She was so bored because you took her on a “Dinner and a Movie” date that 456 of your predecessors have taken her on as if that was the only possible date to take a woman on.

Motion 6: Motion to outlaw boring, unimaginative dates for ever! In addition to that, this bill will afford women the right to not only refuse to go on generic dates, but to also kick any man who suggests them in the balls at least three times with no legal repercussion.

Guys, stop taking girls to that favorite restaurant of yours followed by some movie you’d never watch under any normal circumstances. Ladies, stop suggesting that new Cambodian Vegetarian place that forbids the use of knives and forks and requires you to sign a petition showing opposition to the clubbing of baby seals.

There are plenty of fun things you can do on a first date. You don’t ALWAYS have to go to dinner and a movie. Do a fun, relaxing activity. Go see a play, go ice skating, go to an art exhibition, go horseback riding, take a short boat cruise. Find something interesting that the other person might want to do so that the burden of having to be the sole entertainer during the date is reduced. That way you can both relax and have a chance to be yourselves.

Unfortunately, not everyone can be as entertaining as Africanlegend :-).
