How to win arguments with women: (Tip 4) Compare her unfavorably with another girl

AL | 9:20 PM |

By: Africanlegnd
There are a few mysteries on this planet. We don't quite know why people yawn, who built the artifacts at Stonehenge or if OJ did it and just happened to own a bloody glove. What we do know for a fact is that women hate other women. Unlike in most species, where males tend to be unable to coexist peacefully, it seems the female human being is especially unappreciative of her female counterparts. An innocent girl that walks in the room with a well tailored, respectable outfit can very quickly become that bitchy, slutty girl with her boobs hanging out to her fellow female counterparts. Let me illustrate my point. Here is a snippet of a real convo I had recently.

Al: Where's your BFF Jenn?
Girl: Oh gosh no, she isn't my best friend....
Al: Yeah but you guys chill all the time and she told me you were best friends.
Girl: I mean, yeah we hang out, but she just pisses me off. She tries to steal guys that hit on me and stuff. Like in the bar the other night when that guy tried to talk to me then she just jumped in the way and stuck her ass out and he left.
Al: Hmm, does she do this all the time?
Girl: Pretty much.
Al: Then you should probably just stop hanging out with her instead of complaining all the time.
Girl: See that's the problem with you Isaac, you just don't listen. It's not that simple. This is why you'll be single for the rest of your life and no one will ever want you!
Al: Jeez I was just trying to help??

If men want to win arguments, they have to use this fundamental flaw to their advantage. If you are arguing with a woman, start comparing her with other women and she is guaranteed to get so pissed off that it will derail her train of thought. It can work one of two ways. You can:

A)Compare her unfavorably with a great girl that she dislikes eg. "You are being unreasonable, Sarah would NEVER do this."


B) You can liken her to a terrible, shameful woman that she has previously complained about eg. "You know you are behaving just like that bitchy Land Lady of yours!" Either way, she will likely get so annoyed that she will even forget what you are arguing about.

In example A, she will get annoyed and tell you that if you think Sarah is so great then you should date her and example B, it might be worth while to expect some kind of strike to the neck or groin.

Either way, you can quickly accuse her of being unreasonable and walk off.
