The Ultimate Solution to Bed Hogging.

AL | 1:13 PM |

By Africanlegend
After my last article Ask a legend: Help my GF is a bed hogger I found out a couple of interesting things. Every female that writes for this blog is a felony level bed hogger and renders their companions cold and lonely, having to feed for scraps on the outer extremities of their beds. Without mentioning any names (Freya E & Sparklingjem), I sympathize with their suffering men, may they unrest in peace. As for solutions, I received two great solutions from readers that can help you cope with a bed hogger like the above unmentioned hoggers (Freya E & Sparklingjem).

1.Submitted by Yoshi.
Yoshi suggests reverse psychology:

Wake up in morning and say, "I'm glad you were hogging the covers last night, you were farting unbelievably. At least when you hog the covers, I get less collateral damage!" She will (A) Insist that she does not fart in bed, and (B) insist on sharing the covers with you for at least the next three weeks. She will also accuse you of farting in bed, too, but just say, "Men don't fart; they blow kisses!

2.Submitted by Sue.
Yes just like great nations were forged by guns, steel and negotiations alike, why not demarcate your territory and create a sovereign nation of slumber with life, liberty and peace for ALL...
