“Scientific Study Finds Men Like Looking At Breasts” and other things we already knew.

AL | 10:22 AM |

Yes, science has proven that he is definitely looking at her breasts!

By Sparklingjem.

1. Men like looking at breasts. 
Ummm.... really? You mean all those times guys were staring at my chest they weren’t trying to read my t-shirt? The outcome of this study came as no surprise to anyone. One wonders why the researchers at the University of Wellington, New Zealand, felt it was necessary to conduct this study. Were they bored? Did they need to make up research paper numbers? Did they think it would provide ground breaking information that would change the world?

I like to think that this study was actually done by aliens who took over the University of Wellington, where social illiteracy would go unnoticed. However, in order to infiltrate the rest of the world they had to learn to interact with others so they could blend in. To do this, they conducted a number of behavioural studies we would consider pointless.

2. Women prefer funny guys. 
I guess some guys didn’t get the memo on this one, but it’s pretty much common knowledge that women like guys who can make them laugh. It’s also well known that men like women who laugh at their jokes which makes it the only win-win situation men and women have ever encountered each other in, apart from reproduction.

Apparently they were actually trying to find out WHY women like funny men but failed and so they just published the fact that they do.

3. When you fall in love, you lose friends. 
Of course everyone blames their friends, but we all know that when you land in a relationship, your friendships suffer. If you’re a girl, you suddenly have a lot less time to dedicate to people outside your magical bubble of love and you turn into a starry eyed, brainless, ‘my boyfriend says’ repeating moron. If you're a guy your adorable other half will systematically get rid of all your friends (see how to be a good girlfriend)
I like to think they did this study to highlight the dangers of entering a relationship. Attractive individuals do not come with warning labels, unlike other life destroying substances such as cigarettes. They could have just read 6 Reasons to Avoid a Relationship. 

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