No I won't put the toilet seat down, Even you didn't remember to do so!??

AL | 1:54 PM |

By Africanlegend.
As a foreigner, it is always important to observe the culture in the country you are in, that's really the only way you get any kind of authentic experience. If you go to Mexico and all you do is stay in comfortable hotels, drink all day and go only where all the tourists  hang out, then you are being a bit a douchebag and you should have just stayed at home. Experiencing different customs helps you to appreciate cultural diversity.

One such custom I observe but have never understood, is leaving the toilet seat down if you are in a house full of ladies. Firstly, it doesn't really make any sense. Men are not expert marksmen. 35.54% of the time men miss the target and hit the toilet seat, 5% of the time they miss everything and 1.35% of the time its not even a toilet they are urinating into. If I were a lady, I'd prefer to find the toilet seat up because then I'd know that the guys urinal misadventure avoided contact with the toilet seat because it was up while he was using it and therefore can be considered relatively clean.

I know, it's just a custom and I definitely observe it as a function of being respectful to the ladies. My mother told me to always leave things as you find them. I definitely don't question my mom because I'd rather not deal with the consequences but her words make sense. In any event, I was at a girl’s house and I used her toilet. Regretfully, I forgot to put down the toilet seat. This was largely due to the fact that I found it up in the first place, so I was a little confused. As a result of this confusion, I decided to just return the bathroom to the state I found it in. I tried to go sit down on her couch and relax, but she descended from the ceiling like a ninja on a rope and slammed me against the wall:

Funny Pic
Ninjawoman: (Boiling with a tempered rage) Ummmmm next time you use the bathroom can you leave the toilet seat down.
Persecuted man: Oh I'm sorry..
Ninjawoman: Yeah it's just that its rude to do that..
Persecuted man: Wait a minute I found it up!
Ninjawoman: No you didn't.
Persecuted man: Yes I did, actually I specifically remember thinking that something was weird.
Ninjawoman: Well I am not sure why it's like that, but you should leave it down in a house with a woman in it.
Persecuted man: Well you are the only other person in here, why didn't you put it down if it's important enough for you to be jumping from ceilings.
Ninjawoman: Well how do you know I am the only other person that has used it. What if it was another gentleman caller.
Persecuted man: Well then I think HE is to blame for all this though don't you? Why don't you text him a reprimand.
Ninjawoman: AGHH This is why you'll never get married Isaac!
Persecuted man: What?
Ninjawoman: (with clenched teeth) Isaac, its just better for you if you do exactly what is say!
toiletseatup_l Sometimes guys forget to put it down. It doesn’t necessarily mean they disrespect women. It’s a habit and if you have done it all your life it becomes a staple, but if you haven't, you may forget once in a while. I try to remember, I really do but if the girl herself doesn’t remember to put it down in her own house, I am going to assume its just not a priority to her.


No I won't put the toilet seat down IF you didn't even remember to do so yourself!
