Stupid people that need to GO: The "Do you live in mud huts in Africa" Guy!

AL | 3:32 PM |

Mud Huts Africa
Why don't you just ask him if he brought over his stray goats and chickens?
By Africanlegend.
You are all excited because a new worker was hired in your office and he is not an Abercrombie and Fitch douchebag or an Ed Hardy wearing tool. In fact, he is from Africa. You didn’t really get the specifics of where exactly because you figure Africa is just a homogenous cluster of black people, running around hunting wild animals with spears, who are yet to discover fire. The only person that is not really excited is “F* my life chick” but then again she is depressed because she bought 2% milk instead of –4% Vaporized Silk ~ FML.

In walks a brazen, young black dude, with a suit that looks just like yours, a shiny wrist watch that also looks just like yours, a suave tie and huge smile plastered across his face. He gets to his cubical, but before coming to meet everyone he takes out his Mac Pro African Edition with a flag which you assume is Africa’s flag.

He comes over and introduces himself as Brian Muchebe and instantly “I don’t listen to Mainstream Music Guy” demands that he tell everybody his real African name, the one with the clicks and funny sounds. Sadly, he hasn't got one to offer.

He mingles and continues to introduce himself to people. You overhear a conversation he is having with another one of your co-workers that everyone agrees is the most ignorant person in world and should apply for a job on FOX News. Ironically, this ignorant person has all the information he could possibly ever need on his phone but chooses to play Farmville and leave lame status updates on Facebook that no one is interested in.

P.S Sadly this is an excerpt from a REAL conversation

Mud Huts Dude: Hey man it’s good to have you on board man
Brian: Thanks man. It’s good to be here
Mud Huts Dude: Cool man. This must be so different for you and stuff. You know, like having to dress different and stuff
Brian: Well the culture is different but I wear clothes like this all the time.
Mud Huts Dude: Haha…you’re funny dude. You speak good English man. have you spoken English for a while. I mean I know you just came to the country a few weeks ago.
Brian: Naaa, I haven’t spoken long. I learned English on the flight here. It’s a long flight!
Mud Huts Dude: Really man! That’s Effin' awesome man! So did you live in a mud hut back in Africa and Stuff…
The answer is probably right in front of you!
Why this person needs to go.
Are there some people who live in mud huts in Africa? The answer to that is certain; an unquestionable YES. In many parts of Africa people have historically lived in Mud Huts and still do in isolated areas. However, if someone lived in a mud hut all their life, there is very little chance they’d be able to catch an expensive flight overseas, benefit from the same overpriced education as you and consequently meet the same requirements you had to have in order to get hired. Not to mention having a Mac Book Pro or any type of advanced electronic device is not a typical symptom of "Mud Hut" upbringing. If you just googled where they came from you’d know asking him if he lived in a mud hut is not even a reasonable question. Instead, you have just ended up being another dumb person, stuck in your little west house (All Double Glazing) with a smart phone.

How to deal with this person.
This is simple and actually entertaining. A person like this has a level of ignorance that no schooling or intellectual stimulation can repair because they have no desire to learn new things. Next time they ask you an ignorant question, go along with it and agree to everything. Then two days later send them an email  telling them that nothing you said was true and you were just running a Quadruple Blind study to determine how big of a moron they are. The person will feel like an asshole but even that will not help them; they are too far gone.
