Classified Documents of the Birth of Jesus Released on Wikileaks!

AL | 3:14 PM |

Nativity Jesus And Wikileaks
By Africanlegend
WikiLeaks, an international, new media, non-profit organization has been releasing electronic documents detailing previously classified information about wars, political events and other global issues. This brand of freedom of press and government transparency has proved to be too much for major powers like the United States, who claim the release of such information is irresponsible and compromises it’s national security. The website has landed founder Julian Paul Assange an Australian journalist, in detention in Britain on charges of sexual crimes in Sweden, as the powers that be pull all the stops to stop him and shut down Wikileaks.

Despite seemingly insurmountable hurdles, Wikileaks has continued to release sensitive information about world leaders and events. In the latest leak, information has been disclosed about Jesus, The Son of God, from high ranking sources in his organization and close friends and relatives through documents previously concealed from the public. Over 150 000 scrolls are being electronically released, the first of which describe the events surrounding the life of Jesus. Here are some excerpts:

A note revealed that the Angel, who delivered the news to Mary of her impending conception, appeared irritable and disinterested in his job, revealing to Mary that his true aspirations were to become a warrior Angel.

According to a source close to Joseph, thought to be his legal representation, we are told that Joseph was suspicious of the circumstances [immaculate conception] of the birth; claiming that the baby’s nose and lips “looked the same as the stable boy’s.”

The memo further notes that most of Joseph’s peers did not consider him to be the sharpest tool in the shed, revealing that; "Since he was not a very bright guy, he was suspicious of a lot of people,"

Herod, Roman ruler at the time, was described by officials closest to him as "feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern leader". They alluded to him being a "physically and politically weak" leader whose "frequent late nights and penchant for partying hard meant he did not get sufficient rest."

Sources described Mary, Virgin mother of Jesus, as “a little chubby” and goes on to mention how Joseph did his best to tell her she looked great but nobody was buying it.

On baby Jesus; one of the three kings attending the birth is quoted to have described Jesus as, “a very noisy baby” and one that it appears only God, the Father, could silence.

Concordant to that, one of the Shepherds that visited baby Jesus is reported to have been unimpressed saying he expected the son of God to be a “better looking baby.”

More documents are expected to be released soon and WE will bring them to you!
