Poacher is Eaten by Lion after being chased by Hippos! Was it a planned attack?

AL | 12:37 PM |

By AfricanLegend.
Poaching has been a problem in South Africa and various countries throughout Africa for decades but it would appear that in a brilliant spark of classical Darwinism animals have teamed up to stave off their extinction. The plan? To set traps of their own to ensnare poachers.

South African National Parks spokeswoman Laura Mukwevho, explained that in March of last year poachers had fallen pray to a series of events that seem more like a well executed plan in my opinion. A group of poachers had been setting snares to catch animals when suddenly they appear to have been attacked in a coordinated assault by a pack of wild assorted animals.

"What we have heard from those who survived suggests this was a vicious attack by wild animals....It appears the man was chased by hippos. We assume he must then have been eaten by lions,"  

Laura explained.

It probably happened something this...

Poaching remains a serious problem affecting the region and despite their best attempts, park rangers generally lack the resources and the manpower to cope with the problem. It appears now they may have reinforcements.

