Flirty Girl Fitness:Put the Skank Back into your Workout (video)!

AL | 1:20 PM |

Do yourself a favor and read the Youtube comments lol!
By Africanlegend.
I was up late at night during infomercial time. I was just about to dose off when an advertisement for a new workout system for women popped up named, Flirty Girl Fitness. The Flirty Girl Fitness system definitely ups the ante by taking every ghetto booty dance and stripper routine you can think of and repackaging it in a socially acceptable format for white suburbia ~ A $9.99 DVD.

The DVD package is guaranteed to bring the skank back into your home work out routine. As a bonus, they also throw in the Flirty Girl Chair DVD which in my mind does nothing but blatantly teach women how to execute an effective lap dance. After a few minutes, I thought to myself, "Am I projecting?! Am I making an innocent workout appear to be Slutty Boot Camp 101 because I WANT IT TO BE?"


They mentioned you could try the Flirty Girl Fitness Pole for just $1.00. I am no expert but last time I checked, any vertical metallic pole that a woman, holds, rotates around or slides down must necessarily be considered to be a stripper pole. At which point I realized, they are really just selling one big stripper routine + accessories on DVD.

Flity Girl Fitness
No Boring workouts or Treadmills but plenty of stripper poles!
My brain was temporarily short circuited by the sheer amount of well toned booty in the infomercial am I almost attempted to call in and order a DVD but sadly this one aint for me, no directly at least. (see, sex does sell)

VERDICT: Can't see why a lady would get it. Then she could workout out three times a week and invite the GFs over for a Flirty Girl Fitness Party. I could also see why a woman might just stick to a more Godly workout like Zumba. (Where can I buy zumba zumba)

In any case, "minority women" beware! White girls are stepping it up!!

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