5 Super Sneaky Tricks Women use to win Arguments with Men!
By Africanlegend.
My friends and I had a gathering to raise money for our roommate who was running in the Boston Marathon on behalf of The Cancer Association. It was a Saturday night and we had let all our neighbors know exactly what was happening. We just had a new housemate move in on the second floor. She came down three times during the course of the party to complain. Finally, at about 3am, after most people had left, she came down with bloodshot eyes, spitting venom from her mouth and threatening to call the police. I told her to go ahead! She actually did! WHOOPS ~ LOL!
The crazed woman was fine, in fact pretty composed until a male officer walked through the door whereupon immediately she started crying. The result? A few ruffled feathers and a night in jail for my buddy Colin who said the ONE thing you should NEVER say to any police officer. "We know our rights!"
There are certain things women will do to win arguments with men because they know we can't handle it. This is because all most guys do is sit around thinking about how to get laid instead of trying to understand exactly what they are dealing with...
1. Crying
For years women have used crying to bend men to their will. Crying is socialized out of the male at a very young age and consequently, they have no grasp of what the process of crying entails or how to deal with it in general. Males understand crying to be a result of a stimulus causing pain, usually physical pain. For a woman, crying is simply an arbitrary response she can have to anything. Cute animals, Hallmark movies, bunny rabbits, glitter and 'absolutely no reason' are all things that can cause a woman to start crying. In short, to win an argument a woman may arbitrarily start crying and cause a man to short circuit and stand there dumbfounded, asking himself “wtf just happened?"
2, The Feminist Card
Feminsm is as effective an argument tool as being Black or Jewish |
3. The Ambush.
This is a perfect time to have deep meanful conversation! |
4. The Drama Queen Role Reversal Maneuver.
A woman will flip out, hurl verbal insults and throw tantrums pushing a man to the very edge of his sanity. When the man finally cracks and throws a tantrum of his own, she miraculously snaps back into a completely reasonable, lucid person. She will then say something like, “SEE! This is why I can't talk to you! OMG, you are so childish look at you!!”
5.The Score Card
Whatever you say and do will be used against you in the “Female Court of Law.” You may have stared down the bosom of a fine lass or flirted with a barmaid. She caught you and got upset. You apologized. She forgave you and now you think it’s over right? WRONG! She has simply put it on her score sheet and she will save it for use at a later date. Just when you think you are winning an argument, she will unleash it and crush you like a cockroach.
Dave: I said we are not getting ANOTHER bunny rabbit and that's FINAL!
Susie: Hmm I see. By the way I think it's about time we had a talk about intergrity because lately all you do is look at other women and make me feel unappreciated.
Dave: Um well.
Susie: You think I don't see these things? I bet you'd get the bartendtender, what's her name? Sarah!? I bet you'd go running to get her a bunny rabit if she asked!!
Dave: [on amazon.com] So just to confirm, you said bunny rabbit....
Category: Funny