7 Interesting facts about Online Dating.

AL | 11:40 PM |

Online Dating Man Talking to a Woman
By Africanlegend
Are human beings truly capable of making objective judgements about themselves? For example, when I play soccer, in my own head I am moving at the speed of light, achieving incredible feats of agility impossible for the common man. When I finally watched a video of myself playing, I was shocked to find that I looked more like a fat kid wading his way slowly through a swimming pool of super glue.

So what about online dating? Can someone actually objectively represent themselves? If you genuinely suck, are you going to let it reflect in your profile or will you begin to hold the pig by the ears and start applying lipstick?

Jeffrey Hall of the University of Kansas wrote a paper on internet dating which examined the truth about online dating  Hall's team surveyed over 5000 individuals aged 18 to over 60 about their online dating experiences.
Online Dating
Some of the interesting findings:

1) Those that scored low on "Self Monitoring" questions (questions on how we try to present ourselves in a favorable light to others, to make people like us) were more likely to give an honest representation of themselves than those that scored high.

2) Less adventurous people were found to be more likely to lie about their experiences in order to appear more interesting.

3) Extroverts were found to play down the number of previous relationships they've had. 

4) It was found that in general the likelihood that people would misrepresent themselves is pretty low.

5) The differences between individuals was far greater than any difference between the sexes.

6) Women were more likely to lie about weight.

7) Men were more likely to lie about subjects like: how many previous partners they had, or how serious they were about finding a long-term relationship.

There you have it, I guess most people don't lie their asses off?

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