Stupid People that need to GO: "Oppressed" White people

AL | 3:05 PM |

Oppressed White Man Racist
By Africanlegend
You walk into the office and a congregation of white dudes are standing by the water cooler talking politics. You decide that you will take the long way to your desk to avoid them, but as soon as you turn you see your boss barreling in your direction and you haven't completed that report that he will surely ask for. You have no choice but to walk into the belly of the beast. You try to get your mp3 player's earphones on quickly so you do not have to hear any of the conversation, but you catch a snippet:

Dave: Man it's just so hard these days being a white man in America...
Matt: Yeah! I feel like since Obama became president, the country has been taken away from us.
Dave: That's right, high taxes, high unemployment and Obama even wants to let those Mexicans come in and take our jobs.
Matt: Oh but can we speak up about it? No because then "we're racist"
Dave: Shhh...Isaac's coming.
Matt: Hey Isaac....beautiful out there today. I hear it's gonna be 80 degrees this weekend.

After cussing under your breathe, you get to your table and you recieve an email alert. You check your email and find a picture of a family of Chimpanzees with President Obama's face juxtaposed on top of one of them.

Racist Email to Obama Tea Party Marilyn Davenport"Now you know why - no birth certificate"??

Within minutes a code Black is declared and an Office meeting is called where Marilyn apologizes for sending the email, but maintains it was just a joke and she is not a racist. The room is divided with some people acknowledging that it is racist and the other half asking if there would have been the same reaction had the person superimposed been white.

Why these people have to go.
They have to go because they are:

A) Delusional
B) Spread messages of hate that insight anger and disrupt harmony.

Firstly, OH PALEEZZE! Nobody is "stealing" America from anyone. America rightfully belongs to any and all Americans no matter the color or creed. If indeed it was stolen, who stole it? Who is profiting? If you are complaining about the taxes, high unemployment etc, that's what happens during a recession and everyone feels the bite except the people responsible for it; and they aint the Mexicans.

Secondly, racism is racism in the same way that if it oinks and can be made into bacon it's a pig. Making reference to a black man as a Chimpanzee is racist regardless of how people would have reacted to it had the remark been made to a white man. Chimpanzee, Baboon, Monkey, Ape etc are all standard references to black people as under-evolved and primitive, animals essentially. Why not just chuck the president a banana next time you see him. If this is not racist then what is? Dressing up as a member of the KKK to a black barbeque? Naming every black person at your job Nigga 1 through 13? It just shows a lack of class and decency to even have such images as inside jokes.

How to deal with this person.
By a certain age, there is nothing one can do to change the soul that is filled with predjudice. The best thing you can do is let them die off of old age and hope the next generation is more tolerant. Make sure the children you raise understand that we share the world we live in and a Dbag is a Dbag regarless of what language or color they are... I feel better. Ignorant sh@t pisses me off...
