5 Astonishingly Long words that will make you seem Cooler to People! VOL 1

AL | 3:50 PM |

#1: Machiavellianism


The view that politics is amoral and that any means, however unscrupulous, can justifiably be used in achieving political power. "The end justifies the means."

About the word:

In 1513, Niccolò Machiavelli wrote Il Principe ("The Prince") to advise and impress the new Florentine ruler, Prince Lorenzo de' Medici, providing an outline for obtaining and wielding power.  e.g., "It is better to be feared than loved"

When to use it:

Machiavelli was concerned with power, control and basically nothing else. Machiavellinism is an expression of this idea. So be a complete douche bag and use this word to justify being an asshole or as a means to amass power, wealth and respect.

#2: Gedankenexperiment


An experiment carried out in thought only.

About the word:

Gedanken means "thoughts" in German. The term was popularized by Albert Einstein, who applied gedankenexperiment to his work conceptualizing the theory of relativity.

When to use it:

Instead of accusing your friend of coming up with some mindless BS or unverifiable statistics, accuse them of performing a Gedankenexperiment. A series of tests and thoughts in their own head. Then promptly tell them to shut up.

#3: Triskaidekaphobia


fear of the number 13

About the word:

The word comes from the Greek word for thirteen and the New Latin word "phobia."
The origin of this fear is murky. Some trace it to ancient Hindu beliefs, others to Norse mythology, and still others to the Last Supper, after which Jesus was betrayed by one of the thirteen people present. Interestingly enough, known mention of the fear of thirteen in print dates back only to the late 1800s.

When to use it:

Friday the 13th is a great time to use this word to look way cooler than everybody else. You can also give the impression that you are very knowledgeable about a superstition whose origin is widely debated. 

#4: Prestidigitation


Sleight of hand

About the word:

Prestidigitation ultimately comes from the Italian word presto, meaning "quick" or "quickly," and digitus, the Latin word for finger.
So at its root, prestidigitation basically means "quick fingers."

When to use it:

Use this word instead of common words like trickery, slight of hand, guile etc. A good time to bust it out is during a Football game. When the QB uses a pump fake to throw off a defender. Mention to everyone that the QB's prestidigitation is very impressive. 

#5: Quattuordecillion


A number equal to 1 followed by 45 zeros (or 10 to the 45th power)

About the word:

The -illion part is modeled on million; the quattuordec comes from the Latin word for fourteen. Why 14? Because there are 14 groups of three zeros after the number 1,000 in quattuordecillion.
 When to use it:

Just hang in there for a few years. There will be ample opportunity to use it when America's debt reaches that figure. Many will not know how to articulate it but you will. You will say, "The US is $12.7 Quattuorodeccillion in debt." 

Source:Merriam Webster Dictionary 

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