Stupid People that need to Go: The Social Photographer

AL | 1:43 PM |

Picture 1 of 3240, taken and tagged immediately on  August 24, 2010, the night we were supposedly having so much fun.....
You are all at a fancy club enjoying reggae night. The music is good and the atmosphere is amazing everyone is having a good time chatting to one another and being social. Except one young lady, who appears to be having a terrible time. She is not dancing, not drinking and not talking to anyone. There is no doubt that she is having a poor time.

Suddenly, you are hit by a  barrage of blinding lights from all angles. The sporadic bursts of intense light pierce the back of your eyeballs like sharp knives. You assume this must be some kind of terrorist attack so you run for the door and smack the nearest person next to you (who happens to be your girlfriend) over the head and knock them out so that the terrorists will have someone to catch while you abscond. You end up outside and nobody follows you which causes you to realize that you may have overreacted. You re-enter the club to see what the bright lights are about. You look around and realize the boring girl, that is clearly not having a good time has turned photographer, whipped out one of those high tech sony digital cameras and decided to turn a good night out into 4th Graph Photo Album day. This assualt continues until the bouncer tells her that she will have to discontinue use of her flash because someone's epilepsy flared up.

When you get home you turn your computer on and check your Facebook and notice you have been tagged in about 3000 pictures including ones where only your left ear or right ass cheek is visible. The bored girl, Sally James, who you are actually facebook friends with, has been updating her status all night. It reads "Having a great time with my honeys" updated originally from "At the club having a BLAST"

Why this person needs to go
They are uninteresting, very uninteresting and they add nothing to a social environment. The point of being out is to interact with other people. I have nothing against pictures, they can capture and immortalize wonderful moments but what's the point in taking 20 pictures that all look the same, chok-a-block full of fraudulent smiles and canned posses, capturing only one's own vanity. Furthermore, you can't be having that much fun if you are taking pictures all night, immediately putting them on facebook and tagging everyone, it defies the laws of social economics. There is no crime in not enjoying yourself but don't update your status messages and act like you are having a good time just so you seem more interesting. Actually talk to people and stop living in your smart phone. The best social network is life.
