Nigerian Man Mercilessly Raped by 5 wives, Dies of too much Sex!

AL | 7:00 AM |

nigerian man raped by 5 wives, dies of sex

I was part of a discussion with a group of guys about seeing multiple women. I felt as if it is a terrible idea to do so as handling just one woman seems difficult enough.  Just one can systematically suck your life essence away. Not in a literal sense....well except in this case.

Uroko Onoja of Nigeria let his greed get the better of him. He accumulated a grand total of six wives and this would ultimately lead to his untimely, hilarious, and unprecedented demise.

The Daily News reports Onoja was having sex with the youngest of his six wives when the other five wives, jealous and full of rage, staged a coup d'etat.  The mutinous 4 attacked Onoja, while he was in a compromised position (during sex) with knives and sticks, demanding sex.

Determined to make all wives happy, he proceeded to have sex with each wife in a row. On his way to satisfying the fifth wife, he stopped breathing.

nigerian man raped by 5 wives, dies of sex
For those that do not know, Nigeria is the capital city of Africa.
2 of the wives have been arrested and the report labels the cause of Onoja’s death as "raped to death” (according to the Daily Mail). It is believed that he attempted to resist the wives’ demands as they attacked him which may come as a surprise to a lot of men.

It was also reported that the five wives had planned their blitzkrieg intending to attack swiftly and overwhelm their enemy.

Onoja was a philanthropist who helped his local community, presumably by donating his seed.


