Ohio Woman SHOCKED to Find She Married Own Father!

AL | 4:19 PM |

Valerie Spruill, reported to have unknowingly married her own father
If you are one of those that believe truth will always be revealed no matter what, you can rejoice a bit but sometimes the damage the lie can cause can be far-reaching.

A 60-year-old, Valerie Spruill, from Doylestown, Ohio was shocked to find out what secret her husband had kept from here all through their marriage. Valerie Spruills found out the disturbing news that her husband, Percy Spruil, was in fact ALSO her father. Spruill explained she had no idea her husband was also her dad until he died in 1998 and a relative came and finally saw it appropriate to reveal the truth to her. A truth later confirmed by a DNA test.

How could this possibly happen? Shouldn't someone have known?

Someone did!

Spruill explained that most people in her small town knew, but apparently felt that she didn’t need to know. Off the top of my head, I can't see any situation where someone wouldn't like to know that they were sleeping with their own father. It is also disgusting for Percy Spruill to have knowingly continued such a relationship with his own daughter.

In all honesty, I don't quite buy the specifics of this story. I am afraid I am quite the skeptic. I think it is way harder to NOT know the man you are seeing is your father than to happen upon that kind information, especially in a small town. Also being bold enough to go out and disclose this willingly to a major syndicated news outlet is a strange response to such a thing. But the latter I confess is mere ignorant speculation on my part..

