Upside-Down Head Sheep Spotted in England!

AL | 4:28 PM |

Sheep with upside down head, England picture
Experts* are up in arms about the authenticity of footage that shows a Sheep with a strange genetic anomaly. The sheep can be observed to have a head that has grown upside-down, inverted on its spinal column. The owner of the tape, Allan McNamara of North Yorkshire, stands stead-fast behind the legitimacy of the tape amidst a barrage of  relentless skepticism.

"I couldn't believe it," Allan McNamara of North Yorkshire told the U.K. Daily Mail.

 "I'm friends with a girl who has a horse on the farm and she was like, 'Aww Allan, come and have a look at this sheep.'

After a little walk we came across the sheep, its head is properly upside-down. It looks like it has been twisted 180 degrees."

McNamara managed to take a video of  Baa Baa Backwards Sheep.As is customary with such sightings, the person taking the video made every attempt to fail to take clear footage but it is better than anything we have on Big Foot.

VIDEO:Sheep with Upside-Down Head.

So what's the verdict? FAKE OR NO FAKE??

Experts* Youtube punks and Redditors with an exaggerated, highly inflated sense of self. They conventionally say a lot but know nothing.
