Racist, Homophobic Heat Map of the US Produces Surpising Results!

AL | 8:52 AM |

Racist Homophobic Map of US

A group of researchers from the Floating Sheep project have aggregated all the racist, homophobic an ableist (directed at disabled people) tweets in the United States and plotted them on an interactive map.

Students at Humboldt State University in Arcata, Calif., looked up all the geotagged tweets in North America between June 2012 and April 2013, manually determine if hateful word was used in a positive, negative or neutral way in a project called the "Geography of Hate."

"Hateful tweets were aggregated to the county level and then normalized by the total number of tweets in each county," the group said. "This then shows a comparison of places with disproportionately high amounts of a particular hate word relative to all tweeting activity."

Homophobic words assessed included: "dyke," "fag," "homo" and "queer."

Racist words included: "nigger," "chink," "wetback," "gook" or "spick."

The South and East of the country showed major high density fronts of bigotry and hatred with high density areas also visible in areas in the mid-west as well.

The West Coast of the US showed mild patches of intolerance with isolated pockets of heavy bigotry in the North West and areas around Nevada.

So if you leave your houses to day don't forget to carry an umbrella....

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