Man Bites Dog to Save Wife from Brutal Attack!

AL | 9:22 AM |

Man Bites Dog to Save Wive (picture video)
Caren (left) and Laine Henry(right) in hospital after a vicious dog attack.
Man's best friend has turned on him yet again. Dogs are finding clever ways to cull humans, including running us over us with vehicles, electrocuting us and even shooting us. However, this story is more of the regular variety, a good old fashioned dog attack.

An Iowa woman, Caren Henry, was viciously attacked by a 50-pound Labrador-mix from a neighbor's yard while walking her dog Candy. The dog bit her abdomen and right thigh, scratched her eyes and bit her nose clean off.

Laine Henry, Caren's husband, rushed to his wife's aid and tried to pull the dog off her, sustaining injuries to his arm in the process. Ultimately, he succeeded but only by taking a page out of the dog's book and biting it back on its nose.

"finally he had to bite the dog in its nose, and it let loose." Caren Henry explained.

The county doesn't have a vicious-dog ordinance. Luckily, for Karen her husband managed to put an end the vicious attack with some quick thinking. If Laine Henry hadn't been there to help his wife who nose what would have happened?


Man Bites Dog to Save Wife from Brutal Attack (video)!
