Stunning Photos of Saturn's Mysterious 1250 mile-wide Hurricane!

AL | 4:23 AM |

Hurrincane on Saturn Picture
NASA's false-color image of Saturn's north pole hurricane. In this image, red correlates to low clouds while green indicates high clouds.
(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI)
NASA unveils the clearest look yet at a mega hurricane occupying Saturn's north pole.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft snapped the spectacular pictures last November from a vantage point approximately 261,000 miles from Saturn -- a distance so extreme that the above picture has an image scale of about 1 mile per pixel.

This super sized Hurricane stretches about 1,250 miles wide with wind speeds of up to 330 mph dwarfing any of it counterparts recorded on earth. A hexagon-shaped cloud pattern, measuring 15,000 miles across (roughly the size of four Earths), surrounds the hurricane, which you can see in the photo below.

Hurricane on Saturn Picture
A natural-color view of Saturn's north pole and its chaotic weather pattern. Image scale equals 18 miles per pixel.
(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI)
