How To Survive a Virtual Reality (Step 1): Add Action

AL | 2:07 PM |

This guy could be controlling your world.

By Sparklingjem
I recently read an article about the theory of an oxford professor. He believes that there is 20% chance we are living in a virtual reality world created by our distant descendants. That means 20% chance our world is created and controlled by some idiot in the year 2578. I can see him sitting on his sci-fi designer couch eating genetically modified popcorn which probably grows ready flavoured and in fun(garish) fizzy drink colours. Or some pimple faced adolescent who can at any moment end our existence if he gets bored. In the article theorists suggested ways in which to prolong your life and possible simulated afterlife. One suggestion was trying to live by the moral codes of your controller. Considering the most popular thing to do in Sims is kill your people, by drowning, fire or deleting the doors of a room so they starve to death, I’m more inclined to follow Robin Hanson. He suggests you should be as entertaining as possible. So here are tips on how to survive our virtual reality world.

Tip 1: Add Action
People love watching exciting action sequences. With very little at your disposal even a physical fight will create excitement and entertainment value. If you want to step up from that, the simplest option is a car chase. There are millions of cars in the world and chances are you own one or can (relatively) easily steal one. Stealing one is in fact a far better entertainment value option. If you want to get really high tech, aircraft chases, high speed shoot outs and full scale battles all have potential

