How to win arguments with women: (Tip 2) Use CHEAP SHOTS!

AL | 12:41 PM |

By Africanlegend
I know people might read this and consider this advice to be unethical. The correct etiquette in life dictates that one should fight fairly and morally or not fight at all. If you subscribe to such a tenet, prepare for women to rip you to shreds with cheap shots that will attack your well being like a carefully targeted scud missile.
Cheap shots do not have to follow a logical pattern, they just have to disorientate your opponent and silence them so you can win. You may be arguing about what milk to buy, and then you may suddenly get hit with a barrage of insults about your erectile dysfunction, inadequacies in the sack and the time you urinated on yourself in the park when a rabid poodle attacked you. While you are confused, she will then nail you with a killer blow.

So if you are not prepared to use cheap shots, you will not win any arguments. Remember, you want to disorientate her, not piss her off. If you simply point out random deficiencies that she has: A) you are being a bit of a d-bag or B) I can tell you from personal experience, which includes several bruises and a public beat down, that women cannot take the same sort of insults they dish out. So when you execute a cheap shot, be very delicate and caring about it. Here are a few cheap shot topics that might work:
  1. Why her past relationships failed (great one!).
  2. Weight (causes permanent damage so NOT recommended unless you are desperate!).
  3. Why your Ex was better.
  4. How boys don’t take her seriously, they just look at her boobs (In rare situations this may be taken as a compliment).
  5. Women belong in the kitchen/bedroom.
  6. Her age (can result in the aforementioned public beating).
  7. Average female salaries compared with male salaries.
Remember cheap shot must be executed with care so as not to hurt her but to disorientate her.

How NOT use a cheap shot.
You know, the reason nobody listens to you is that you are too fat and useless 
This kind of behavior is why we should not have female presidents.

How to CORRECTLY use a cheap shot.
We should really stop arguing like this. It’s not healthy at all. I really don’t want to end up fed up of you and  have to leave you like all the other guys you’ve been with. I care about you.

Disclaimer: If you get in any trouble after following this advice, Africanlegend will not be held accountable for the repercussions that follow. If fact you should deny knowing me or having ever read In the event, your tormenter finds out about this article, I reserve the right to completely deny knowing you and will be forced remove this article in its entirety for my own protection.
