How to win arguments with women: (Tip 3) Cite Precedent

AL | 4:27 PM |

By Africanlegend.
A girl will know what precedent means. A guy may have to look it up. In case you are the latter here is the definition:

Precedent: prec·e·dent
Any act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent, similar instances.

Women have a memory that operates in similar fashion to the Black Box flight recorder in an airplane. It records a virtually indestructible minute by minute account of every action, sound and event that goes on. When an accident or infringement occurs, the information is processed as an accident report and filed for use later.

Men are constantly getting in trouble simply because they fail to recognize the importance of every single action and event. That is to say, a man's memory is more akin to a dog that must repeatedly punished for biting the same couch before he gets the point.

Herein, this problem presents an opportunity. Women don't expect men to have a detailed account of all their actions. This makes them sloppy and they will often contradict things and actions they have previously said or done.

So if men want to win arguments with women, they need to cite precedence. Recalling things a woman has said or done in the past will throw her off and give you the chance to finish her off while she is disorientated.

Thus the question every man asks himself is this; But how can I possibly do this? I think most things are not worth remembering!

No problem! Write a diary. It only takes a minute to jot down insignificant actions and events and by the end of it, you can put it all together however you choose and have "actionable evidence".


