FDA Issues New Contraversial Tobacco Label Campaign!

AL | 3:22 PM |

New Tobacco Warning Labels 4By Africanlegend.
After coming to terms with the reality, that despite fairly clear rhetoric on all cigarette packets explaining the numerous ways cigarettes can kill you, people still continue to smoke, the FDA has decided to initiate a campaign to make warnings more obtuse and unsettling. After mandating more prominent warnings on cigarette packages, including larger text labels in June 2009, the FDA has proposed 36 new, more graphic, obtuse warnings that even a retard will understand. This change is expected to come into effect in October of 2012 giving you exactly 1 year and 11 months to continue your efforts to contract lung cancer and drastically shorten your life span.

“People just don’t get it, if you smoke, you die. You don’t get mad hot chicks like they depict in the movies,” said an irate representative of the FDA. “These new images will help people put those two points together. For example, if you see a sick new born baby on a ventilator and the words ‘Smoking can kill your baby’ then it's hard not to connect the two things.” We have a few ads ready to go and we are offering people the opportunity to give feed back and help us make these warnings more effective.


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New Tobacco Warning Label
New Tobacco Warning Labels

If you really want to smoke try electronic cigarettes all of the pleasure, none of the health risks and definitely none of the crying babies!

LEAVE COMMENTS: Lets us know which ones work.
