Kanye West repulsed by his own Douchebaggery.

AL | 3:48 PM |

By Africanlegend
Late last week, Kanye West cancelled a scheduled performance on Black Friday in the wake of an interview with The Today Show’s Matt Lauer this week. West was inflamed when they showed a clip of him interrupting Taylor Swift in the famous VMAs incident of 2009 while he was attempting to respond to one of Lauer's questions. Insiders have informed us that the rapper, producer and hip hop sensation took offense to the clip of himself interrupting Taylor Swift’s performance primarily because he refused to believe that he was the individual in the video. Kanye West released a statement explaining his actions.

Kanye West:
Matt Lauer and The Today Show acted in an extremely unprofessional manner. During the interview, they showed videos of some raging douchebag doing irreprehensible things and then tried to make it look like it was me. What kind of a moron do they take me for? There is no way I’d be such an inconsiderate douchebag. These lies and the global conspiracy to libel and slander my name caused me to re-evaluate whether or not I wanted to perform on Black Friday. I  ultimately decided to cancel that sh%t. Matt Lauer has clearly demonstrated that he doesn’t like black people so I want to have nothing to do with him.

Kanye West's response to the interview caused his publicist to unceremoniously quit, citing irreprehensible douchebaggery as the reason. “I harbor no ill-feelings toward Mr West. It was just becoming too much of a challenge to manage his folly,” explained his former publicist as he rushed out of a Starbucks CafĂ©. “That is the first time he has seriously sat down and watched that video. He was surprised and repulsed by his own behavior, so much so that he couldn’t believe it was him. I hope, but sincerely doubt he will grow from it.”
