TSA announces it will consider all airline travelers as Muslims this holiday season!

AL | 1:53 PM |

By Africanlegend (Senior Body Scanning Specialist)
29th November 2010, Holiday travelers have recently been subjected to the Transportation Security Authority’s (TSA) new “enhanced” screening procedures.. The procedures include sending travelers through backscatter X-ray machines that produce naked outlines of travelers’ bodies and subjecting travelers to thorough full body pat-downs. These changes are coming after TSA’s recent announcement that from now on it will treat every single person as they would a Muslim or any other individual who appeared to be of terrorist descent. Conventionally, this would only include all Middle-Eastern looking individuals but since the Nigerian “Underpants Bomb” fiasco this now includes all black or dark skinned people as well.

Consequently, white people from all over the world are finding out what it means to travel like a Muslim, black or any other off-white ethnic group and apparently they don’t like it. For years white people have weaved their way through airport security while their Muslim counter parts were constantly pulled aside in what officials deemed as “random searches” which included being shamelessly groped and strip searched in public. All of this in the name of national security or because “they hate us because we are free.” “You never know where the threat is coming from these days,” said Frank Creepy (pronounced Cree-Pie) a TSA official. “It’s better we treat everyone as we would treat a Muslim…(cough) I mean a potential terrorist,” he continued before being pulled away by his manager. The aftermath of the heightened security has resulted in over 900 complaints to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) just this November alone. Here are some of the real complaints the ACLU has received:

NB: names have been changed or completely fabricated to protect the innocent.

"The procedure was violating, degrading, invasive and humiliating. it was so rough that I felt the effects of it throughout the day. I do not feel safer. I feel violated." ~ Frankly Violated

"The TSA agent used her hands to feel under and between my breasts. She then rammed her hand up into my crotch until it jammed into my pubic bone. I cried throughout the groping and have had intrusive thoughts since. It was humiliating." ~ CreepedOut234

"After nearly 10 years since 9/11 - shouldn't we have developed the technology by now to avoid pat-downs?" ~ Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Twitter yesterday 7:50pm, 10 minutes before his bed time.

"They were doing their job, they were as delicate as they could be, etc., etc. But what ultimately happened, is that I was subjected to a search so invasive that I was left crying and dealing with memories that I thought had been dealt with years ago after prior sexual assaults." ~ MajorIssues87

"So please, please, tell the ladies not to wear their liners at the airport…..just don't want another woman to have to go through the 'patting down' because she didn't know that her glad-rag would be a matter of national security." LoveMYPliners2010

"Three or four TSA employees came over, basically surrounded me and very loudly proclaimed what a jerk I was for refusing the scan. The 'supervisor' then spent 15 minutes examining every part of my body - it was intrusive, humiliating and without a shadow of a doubt, intended to punish me for electing to not be irradiated." ~ EmasculatedinPublic13

The question remains, to what extent will officials go to make air travel safer? The discovery of shoe bombs caused the removal of shoes to be part of the security procedure. If someone tried to execute an incendiary device from their underpants does it not follow that more invasive procedures may be necessary or is that crossing the line?

Do we prefer to be blown up rather than see an x-ray of ourselves that reminds us we need to work out a bit more?

Are the searches only coming to light because EVERYONE is now subject to them and not just a select group of people?
