New Study Predicts Men will be Eradicated by Women by 2167

AL | 2:50 PM |

By Dr. Africanlegend (PHW)
A recent study done by a reputable Science Institute in Cambodia has determined that if men continue to listen to women, then a large proportion of the male gender is expected to be eradicated, emasculated or turned gay by the year 2167.


- 6000 men were subjected to women in a controlled environment that lacked distractions that typical males use to deal with women such as male friends, porn, Ps3, Xbox360, liquor and beer.

- The women were all strangers to the subjects because a prior study done in the early 1990’s determined that males were capable of developing a tolerance to females that they felt attraction towards and in many cases went on to marry them and have families. The men dealt with listening to these women by slipping in a catatonic state which scientists have called “AUTOPILOT.” This state is a subconscious protective mechanism designed to prevent the male brain from aneurysms, blood clots and nerve damage that may develop as a result of an overload of impertinent, inconsequential or otherwise useless information or observations.

- The 6000 men were left in this environment for 3 months.

- 100 men were kept in a separate room and given every distraction a typical male has at his disposal. This group acted as a control group.

60% Of the males slipped into comas. When they were finally revived, they had lost all higher brain functions and appeared to behave like subservient dogs.

13% Survived by fornicating with some of the females and formed strong attachments to these females, thereby giving them the ability to slip into “AUTOPILOT.”

10%  were reported to have turned gay from the experience. 100% of these subjects survived and are currently living healthy lives, in most cases becoming best friends and shopping buddies with the females that participated.

9% of the males disappeared and are thought to have been murdered and disposed of by angry females. This casualty rate was expected.

8% percent were unaffected and later found to be deaf.

100% of the subjects described the experience using the same analogies and vocabulary as released detainees from Guantanamo bay.

not listening to women- Men listening to women presents a health risk that can cause psychological, physical and emotional damage to the male brain.

- The rates of deterioration observed in this experiment suggest that the whole male gender will be compromised by 2167.

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