On BE-ing: Decrease Thought, Increase Action

AL | 1:41 PM |

(Profound thoughts courtesy of Griper @MOSTLY GRIPES via 20SB's 2010 Blog Swap. It involved swapping posts with a fellow blogger. Here are her pearls of wisdom. You may also read the post we SWAPPED.)

By Griper.
With the start of 2011 mere weeks away, being introspective and taking stock of our outward appearance are common actions. The beginning of a new year symbolizes a fresh start, a chance for us to move closer to the person we want to be. It's also that time when we inevitable make resolutions that we have little chance of keeping. The intention is there and we might actually go to the gym for a couple months, eat a few salads, look at travel sites, set up dating profiles or do any number of things that we feel will somehow improve our lives, if we only had time to work at them. And, despite the fact that we never had time to do them throughout the past year, we just know that things will be different in the New Year. But it never seems to work out that way. We try to take on too much too soon until our every day lives get in the way and it becomes more than we can handle. Bottom line: we are too set on the thought-based ideals when what we really need is the action-driven concreteness of willpower, consistency, and determination in order to fulfill those oft times empty promises to ourselves.

I have rarely been pressed to make resolutions because I think that if we really want to change something in our lives we have to start right then, in the moment. Not only when the New Year starts. As such, when I’ve thought of self-improvement projects that I want to take on, I’ve added them to a growing list of goals that I started some time ago and have been actively working towards accomplishing. When I near the end of one project and am ready to start another project I consider my list. Because I have some trouble keeping track of the hard copy, the list is more imaginary than anything but I find that I am even more motivated to keep going when I need to give myself constant reminders, thereby pushing my goals to the forefront of my mind. Of course, we all need some external motivation from time to time and in the past, I’ve found mine in the lyrics of songs (ex. Invisible by Jennifer Hudson), articles, or in the people around me. Most recently, I found these words profound when I was flipping through the January 2011 issue of Self Magazine:

"Be fearless If you make only one resolution this year, let it be to live boldly. You control this moment.: Rather than cautiously test the water, dive straight into life with freeing abandon. Imagine the person you want to be and the life you want to live, then simply commit to them. Believe in yourself. Embrace your beauty. Discover a new passion. And whatever you do, wherever you go, don’t be afraid to make a splash."

This affirmation embodies everything that I could have wished for myself and while I won’t be making any resolutions for 2011, I was inspired to add a few goals to my "list":

1.) Be Happy – if it’s true that happiness is a state of mind, I am prepared to actively work at achieving it. I strive to find happiness wherever it manifests itself, whether through my travels, fellowship with friends and family, my writing, my projects, and even through work.

2.) Be Free – I promise to actively work at suspending thought in favor of what feels right. Impulses aside, my head has been making the decisions for far too long and as a result, I can recall moments when too much thinking led to missed opportunities. No more! I am sending my mind a memo that management duties will be shared forthwith.

3.) Be Healthy –I feel good after a workout or when I eat healthy meals so in the spirit of being free to do what makes me happy, I will venture down a path where good health is my reward.

Whether or not you make resolutions, take a few minutes to think about those things that you’ve been setting aside whenever life intrudes and things get rough. Now, suspend thought and just be!

For more griping visit Griper at MOSTLY GRIPES,

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