Miley Cirus, MTV Skins and the Kiddy Porn Brigade!

AL | 2:13 PM |

By Africanlegend. 
3 weeks ago I was watching a random edition of Jersey Shore on a Monday. They were using Jersey Shore's popularity as a lead in to the debut for the American adaption of the British show SKINS which by all accounts has a reputation for being provocative and controversial.

I watched SKINS and didn't think too much about it. In fact, I thought it examined an aspect that suburbia has been in denial about for  ages. The idea that their precious innocent kids are anything but perfect and that a large proportion of them are coke snorting, weed smoking, alcoholics; an issue that needs to be addressed and not censored.

Anyway, about a week or so later the Kiddy Porn Brigade struck labeling "SKINS" as a child pornography epic. They argue that the show may be in violation of Federal Kiddy Porn laws which state that any images, even pictures of partially clothed teens, can be deemed as child porn if they are sufficiently sexualized.

Hypothesis: The Kiddy Porn Brigade interpret things in the most perverse way possible. They see child porn where we cannot and/or force us to view images in such a vile light when we probably would not have done so in the first place.

To illustrate this idea I will use Miley Cyrus + good old Algebra.

If I show you this picture! What do you see? 

 A stop sign? Or might my eyes be deceiving me. Mathematically, lets call this "SS"

If I show you this picture! What do you see? 

Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana right? Let Miley Cyrus be "MC" 

Harmless enough but add a catalyst called Self Righteous Puritanism....which we can term as "SRP"

Equation = SS + MC + SRP = 


Conclusion: If you have "monkey see, monkey do kids" then I really doubt that anything on MTV is appropriate for them. wrap them in bubble rap and seal them in their room for eternity.
