100 simple things we take for granted: #17 Blood

AL | 4:15 PM |

17# Blood
bloodBy Sparklingjem.
The human body contains on average 6 quarts of blood, or 5.6 liters. Every 60 seconds those 6 quarts circulate your whole body, and travel almost 12000 miles every day. The blood never stops moving and if it does, you die. You can only lose 2 quarts of blood and with managing to kick the bucket. Unless of course someone is replacing it.

Urgent calls are going out across North America as the recent weather conditions have led to shortages in blood supplies. Bad weather means scheduled blood drives are cancelled which provide a huge constituent of the blood bank's supply of blood. So now is a good time to remind you of 2 important reasons to brave the weather give some blood.

Reason 1: You can save lives!
 We all know the virtues of giving your vital fluid to someone in a desperate situation. If you don’t like pure altruism, think about the fact that at some point in your life, you, someone you love or even someone you hate but depend on in some way (like to get laid), might need blood. Karma is only a bitch if you were a bitch first. Plus, since we don’t all have super powers there are only so many ways we can help our fellow man.

And if you're not moved by the plight of the human condition, think about vampires. Which bring us too....

Reason 2: With just a couple of pints a day you can save a vampire!
As many historically based TV shows and films have shown us, while evil vampires have no problem killing and torturing their human victims for food. Good vampires are restricted to drinking the blood of animals, which weakens them, or relying on well-stocked blood banks. Blood banks which we’ve already mentioned are running low.

I am donating my blood for him!!!

Despite Al’s views on the subject, expressed in 5 Life Saving Reasons Not to Date a Vampire, everyone knows vampires are just misunderstood creatures concealing their hurt and despair behind a facade of callous indifference. They can’t even be bribed into good behavior with the promise of a mythical, magical place where they can go once they die because… well they’re already dead.
No wonder some of them choose the easy option of ignoring any sense of humanity or morality and for those that don’t, they need all the help they can get. Especially those bad, good vampires who could go either way. And again if you are unwilling to be altruistic, think logically. If we let all the good vampires starve or resort to vampiric vegetarianism, who will defend us against evil? There are only so many Buffy’s in the world and even they need help.

So go give blood either to save a life or to help a struggling vampire keep from falling off the wagon.

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