Immigration Officer places wife on Suspected Terrorist List to get rid of her!

AL | 2:20 PM |

By Africanlegend.

Your marriage is going really bad, so what do you do?

You could go for the classic tried and tested method, slay your wife and try to make it look like an accident. Unfortunately, the prime suspect in murder cases these days is a spouse or significant other so you are very likely to get caught.

The best thing to do would be to find a new, more imaginative way of getting rid of her. This was what an immigration officer at The UK Border Agency did to rid himself of his wife. The immigration officer added his wife's name to a list of suspected terrorists. This made sure that she'd be unable to return to the UK after visiting her family in Pakistan. This was made easier by the fact that The UK Border Agency considers "Pakistan" to be a synonym for "Terrorist".

If you say:
A Pakistani entered the building.

The closest, most accurate translation would be:
13 terrorists and their 28 indoctrinated sons just entered the building with bombs strapped to their chests. Death to West!

After excelling at his job, the immigration officer received a promotion. When his performance was reviewed with a fine tooth comb, it was found that his wife was on the suspected list of terrorists. After an investigation the man was promptly fired.

Since there is no concrete definition for a terrorist, I am sure the man would argue that the barrage of nagging, insults, threats on his sanity and the cultivation of an environment that caused him to fear for his well-being, makes his bothersome wife a terrorist. He may also argue that keeping his wife in Pakistan would be better for her health as in the west she'd have problems choking on the sweet air of freedom.


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