St. Patrick's Day DUI Sobriety Test FAIL: Louisiana Man, Thomas Robert Harter Jumps Off Bridge To Avoid DUI Test!
New Orleans police say Thomas Robert Harter tried to avoid a field sobriety test by jumping off a bridge into a chilly lake. |
New Orleans, Louisiana, Robert Harter enjoyed his St. Patrick's days celebrations, downing more drinks than he could handle before deciding to drive himself straight home ~ well not "straight!" Motorists called local authorities and reported a man swerving on the road and driving like a total idiot. Louisiana Police responded and requested Robert Harter pull over his vehicle.
Harter got out of the car waving his arms in the air, smelling like a brewery and wearing a green St. Patrick's Day necklace. When the officer asked for his vehicle registration, Harter got back into his car and showed the officer a pile of paper scraps and CDs.
These antics prompted officers to ask Harter to take a field sobriety test. Harter agreed before suddenly absconding and throwing himself off the side of a bridge into a chilly lake, despite police officer's attempts to capture him.
Conditions were rough with 15 to 20 mph winds and chilly waters. Harter was also wearing jeans, boots and a camouflage T-shirt ~ perfect for swimming right? All southbound lanes on the highway were closed for about a half hour as rescuers looked for Harter, fearing the strong currents would sweep him into oblivion.
Luckily, Harter managed to grab onto a utility building at the base of the bridge. He was hauled out of the 60-degree water intact and arrested for his 8th drunk-driving charge. Harter was also charged with resisting arrest, careless driving, and booked as a fugitive on an outstanding warrant for a hit and run, which actually makes the whole incident make a little more sense.
Harter is being held on a $15,000 bond on the alleged driving violations and is still alive despite his best efforts.
Happy Saint Paddy's Day....but don't be an asshole like this guy!
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