17 Year Old Teen, Slept for 64 Days In A Row (VIDEO)

AL | 7:39 AM |

Nicole Delien, 17-year-old teenager from North Fayette, Pa., has a rare condition called Kleine-Levin Syndrome -- or "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome" -- that makes her sleep 18 to 19 hours a day.

Nicole Delien, Sleeping beauty Slept 64 days,Klein Livin syndrome
Nicole Delien, a real life Sleeping Beauty that slept for 64 days in a row.
Kleine-Levin Syndrome is characterized by recurring periods of excessive amounts of sleeping and eating. A patient will sleep most of the day or night, only waking up to eat or go to the bathroom, functioning only in a drowsy, sleep-like state.

It took 25 months for Doctors to diagnose Delien's condition, which only affects about 1000 people world wide. Diagnosis is difficult and sufferers may appear to the untrained eye to simply be extremely lazy bastards.

Deliens condition has caused her to miss out on many event as per the long hours she sleeps. Delien is once said to have slept through the entire Christmas Holidays, only waking up fully in January to open her presents. Delien told talk show host Jeff Probst that she once slept as many as 64 days in a row, only surfacing in an automated, sleepwalking state to eat.

There is no known cure for Kleine-Levin Syndrome , but Nicole's family is using a combination of epilepsy and narcolepsy medication to minimize the incidents to just two a year.

After discovering this, I think I'll recommend my older sister go for a check up.......but I highly suspect she is just lazy..

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