Denise Helms Calls Obama Nigger, Calls for his Assassination!

AL | 5:35 PM |

Denise Helms posted this on Facebook:

Denise Helms Calls Obama a Nigger and Wishes for his Assasination
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The blocked out word is "NIGGER."

Demise Helms was so upset that America would have to endure four more years of "The Food Stamp" President that she let her feelings be made known on twitter. When interviewed she assured us that she is not racist because she was just stating how she feels, which only coincidentally happens to be blatantly racist.

Helms explained in an interview:

"I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means" she told the Sacramento-based news station. "But if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit." Denise mentioned, neglecting to mention exactly why she would not care one bit.

Helms went on to deny that using the n-word necessarily meant she was a racist.

"Apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I'm crazy and racist," Helms wrote in a follow-up post on her Facebook page. "WOW is all I got to say!! I'm not racist and I'm not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!"

But when asked by Fox 40 if she "equated the president with the n-word," Helms responded "sure."

Others weighed in...

Denise Helms Calls Obama a Nigger and Wishes for his Assasination

The truth is, the tenure of black, un-American, part time Muslim Terrorist, President Barack Hussein Obama, born (not) in the US,  has exposed a very dark side of America. It has exposed the tumultuous  undercurrents of deep seated hatred and bigotry.

Disliking a candidate is perfectly fine, but the type of hatred being spewed and experienced in America right now against this President requires one to sit down and ask themselves why? What exactly has this president done to warrant this type of hatred?
